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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1918


ACT No. 45.      AN ACT
To provide that stealing a hog, sow, boar, shoat, pig, or any other specie of hogs, a sheep, lamb, goat, or kid or any other specie of sheep or goat shall be a felony and to provide for penalties, and repeal of adverse laws.

A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Article 130 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, relative to Judicial officers for the Parish of Orleans.

ACT NO. 117.       AN ACT
To carry into effect the proposed amendment to Article 130 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana if adopted; providing for the interchange of judicial officers in the Parish of Orleans, and the appointment and compensation of Judges Ad Hoc.

ACT No. 138.        AN ACT
An act declaring that if any person shall, during the time the United States of America is at war, use any language, in the presence and hearing of another, of and concerning the United States of America, the entry or continuance of the United States of America in the war, or of and concerning any flag, standard, color, or ensign of the United States of America, or any imitation thereof, or the uniform of any officer of the army of the United States of America, which language is disloyal to the United States of America, or abusive in character and calculated to bring in disrepute the United States of America, the entry, or continuance of the United States of America in the war, the army, navy, marine corps of the United States of America, or any flag, standard color, or ensign of the United States of America, or any imitation thereof, or the uniform of any officer of the army of the United ,States of America, of such a nature as to be reasonably calculated to provoke a breach of the peace, if said in the presence and hearing of a citizen of the United States of America, shall be a crime, and fixing the punishment for such crime; that if any person shall, during the time the United States of America is at war, commit to writing, or printing, or both writing and printing, by letters, words, signs, figures, or in any other manner, and in any language, anything of the kind of and concerning those things just enumerated in this caption, and of the kind and character thus stated in this caption, that such person shall be guilty of a crime; declaring that any person who shall knowingly, publicly or privately, mutilate, deface, defile, defy, tramp upon, or cast contempt, either by words or acts, upon any flag, standard, color, or ensign of the United States of America, or the uniform of any of its officers of the army, or either of them, shall be guilty of a crime; declaring that any person who, during the war between the United States and any other nation, shall knowingly and maliciously display, any flag, standard, color, or ensign, or coat of arms, of any nation with which the United States is at war, or any imitation thereof, or that of any State, subdivision, city, or municipality of any such nation, shall be guilty of a crime; making it the duty of any person knowing of a violation of this act to report same to some officer authorized to make arrests.

ACT. No. 154.          AN ACT
Making the stealing or malicious removal of plumbing fixtures, gas and electric light fixtures, or any appurtenances attached thereto or connected therewith, from any dwelling or other building, in which same are installed, or to which same are attached, a crime punishable by imprisonment, and providing what facts shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the violation of this act.

Proposing an amendment to article 108 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, relative to district judges, judicial districts, and salaries of district judges, by proposing the retirement of district judges on full pay in certain contingencies.

ACT No. 165.        AN ACT
To amend and re-enact Act No. 31 of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the year 1888, entitled: "An act to amend and re-enact Section 905 of the Revised Statutes, relative to embezzlement and breach of trust."

ACT No. 166.         AN ACT
To permit proof of handwriting by comparison in criminal cases.

ACT NO. 223.      AN ACT
Relative to deputies to the Clerk of the Criminal District Court for the Parish of Orleans, their appointment and Salaries.

1918 Act 45

1918 Act 116

1918 Act 117

1918 Act 138

1918 Act 154

1918 Act 163

1918 Act 165

1918 Act 166

1918 Act 223