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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1880


No. 7.]                    AN   ACT
To fix the first terms of the district courts under the Constitution of 1879, and to regulate the fixing, by the district judges, of subsequent terms.

No. 30.]                   AN    ACT
To regulate the duties of the minute clerks of the Court of Appeals and of the Civil and Criminal Courts of the parish of Orleans.

No. 35.]                   AN    ACT
To provide for the trial of offenses where the penalty is not necessarily imprisonment at hard labor or death.

No. 47.]                    AN   ACT
To provide for the payment of the salaries of the deputy and minute clerks, short-land reporters and other employees of the Civil and Criminal District Courts and Court of Appeals of the parish of Orleans.

No. 54.]                  AN   ACT
To carry into effect article 11 of the Constitution; to provide the qualifications and for the selection of competent and intelligent jurors throughout the State.

No. 98.]                   AN   ACT
To organize the Criminal District Court of the parish of Orleans as established by article 130 of the Constitution of the State; to create a board of jury commissioners for the parish of Orleans; providing for the appointment of the same and the filling of vacancies therein; fixing the number of the board; defining its duties, powers and compensation; providing for the manner of drawing and selecting and empaneling grand, petit and tales jurors for the parish of Orleans; providing for the division of the Criminal District Court for the parish of Orleans Into sections; providing for an annual vacation for each of the judges of said court; providing for the transfer of causes pending in the Superior Criminal and the First District Courts for the parish of Orleans to the Criminal District Court for said parish; providing for the appointment of a shorthand reporter for the Criminal District Court for the parish of Orleans and fixing his salary, and to repeal all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.

No. 115.]                  AN ACT
To fix the salaries of the deputies clerks and other employes [sic] of the Criminal Sheriff for the parish of Orleans.

No. 130.]                    AN ACT
To fix the salaries of the minute and other deputy clerks and employes [sic] of the civil and criminal district courts and court of appeals for the parish of Orleans.

No. 136.]                 AN   ACT
To fix the fees of the clerks of the Civil and Criminal District Courts for the parish of Orleans, the civil and criminal sheriffs for the parish of Orleans, the clerks and constables of the city courts of New Orleans, the register of conveyances and recorder of mortgages for the parish of Orleans; to regulate the collection of said fees; to organize a system of stamps for the collection of the fees of the clerks of said courts, the register of conveyances and recorder of mortgages for the parish of Orleans, and to regulate the duties of the Governor, Auditor of Public Accounts, Secretary of State, State Treasurer Fiscal Agent, in relation thereto, and to prescribe certain penalties and punishments for the embezzlement, forgery and counterfeiting of said stamps.

1880 Act 7

1880 Act 30

1880 Act 35

1880 Act 47

1880 Act 54

1880 Act 98

1880 Act 115

1880 Act 130

1880 Act 136