No. 4.] AN ACT
To Repeal the Ninety-seventh Section of the Act entitled "An Act relative to Crimes and Offences," approved March 14th, 1855.
No. 7.] AN ACT
To define the qualifications of Jurors, and who are exempt from the duties thereof.
No. 21.] AN ACT
To Punish Persons for Harboring Deserters.
No. 24.] AN ACT
To punish Confederate officers, and others, for impressing private property in violation of law.
No. 36.] AN ACT
To provide for the confinement of persons convicted of crimes punishable with hard labor and confinement.
No. 60.] AN ACT
To prohibit the seizing, taking or removing of property in this State, contrary to law.
Relative to illegal acts of spoliation by officers of the Confederate States army.
No. 79.] AN ACT
To provide for the punishment of certain crimes and offences.
See Official Journal, page 179, beginning at article 75.