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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1904


ACT NO. 6.          AN   ACT
To provide for the trial of eases upon legal holidays, Sundays and Christmas day excepted, and upon legal half-holidays.

ACT NO 58.        AN ACT
To amend and re-enact Section 4 of Act No. 135, of 1898, approved July 13, 1898, entitled "An act relative to juries in and for the Stale of Louisiana, the Parish of Orleans excepted, and to carry out the provisions of Articles 116 and 117, of the Constitution, to prescribe the qualifications of grand and petit jurors and the exemption of certain persons from service as jurors ; to provide for a jury commission in each parish; to prescribe the manner of drawing juries and of selecting grand and petit jurors and to confer on District Judges certain discretionary powers in relation thereto to provide for the summoning of jurors, prescribing means to enforce their attendance; and penalties for their non-attendance; for their compensation and for the taxing of jury costs in civil jury cases; to fix the number of peremptory challenges in civil and criminal jury cases, and to repeal Act No. 99, of the General Assembly of 1890, entitled "an act relative to juries, etc.," approved July 9, 1896, and all laws or parts of laws in conflict with t:he provisions of this act.

ACT NO. 133        AN ACT
To provide a penalty for the crime of stealing or attempting to steal from  the person of another, when such theft does not in law amount to robbery, or such attempt, to an assault with intent to rob.

Proposing an amendment to Article 124 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1898 relative to the filling of vacancies in ihe office of Clerks of the District Court. 

1904 Act 6

1904 Act 58

1904 Act 133

1904 Act 139