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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1914


ACT NO. 9.      AN ACT
Making it a felony to withdraw collateral pledged to a bank on a trust, or other form of receipt, and when so withdrawn, to use, sell, repledge or otherwise dispose of same for any other purpose than that of paying the indebtedness; or to fail or refuse to return collateral so withdrawn on a trust, or other form of receipt, on demand, or in lieu thereof, to make to the pledgee a cash payment equivalent to the full value of said collateral; or should said collateral exceed in value the indebtedness it secures, to fail or refuse to make a cash payment to the pledgee equal to the full amount of said indebtedness; making the proof of certain facts prima facie evidence of criminal intent, but giving the state the right to prove intent in addition thereto by any competent evidence; dispensing the state from the necessity of proving that a person when acting in a representative capacity so withdrawing said collateral and using same unlawfully, derived any personal benefit or profit from said transaction; providing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing all laws or parts of laws contrary to or inconsistent herewith; provided, however, that nothing in this act shall be taken or intended to affect any prosecution which was pending in any court at the date of the passage of this act.

ACT NO 40.     AN ACT
To amend and re-enact Section 1 of Act No. 133 of the Session of the General Assembly of 1904, entitled "An Act to provide a penalty for the crime of stealing or attempting to steal from the person of another, when such theft does not in law amount to robbery, or such attempt, to an assault with intent to rob," approved July 5, 1904.

ACT NO. 74.      AN ACT
To provide for the suspension of sentence in misdemeanor convictions and in certain cases of conviction of felony for first offenses, upon the recommendation of the jury and for submission of the issue to the jury by the court, and to provide the duration of the suspension of sentence and for pronouncing sentence after suspension thereof in case of final conviction of the defendant of any other felony, cumulating punishment in such cases, and for granting a new trial after suspension and dismissal of the case in certain events after suspension.

ACT NO. 232.        AN ACT
Relative to placing obstructions upon, or in any way interfering with, railways, and to fix the penalty therefor:

ACT NO 237.        AN ACT
To punish gross negligence and recklessness on the part of and person or persons operating, or aiding or assisting in operating, or encouraging the one operating to gross negligence and recklessness, in operating any motor vehicle, whereby any person is injured through such gross negligence and recklessness, and death does not result from such injury.

1914 Act 9

1914 Act 40

1914 Act 74

1914 Act 232

1914 Act 237