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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1878


No. 38.]                   AN    ACT
Relative to crimes and offenses; authorizing judges, in certain cases, to sentence convicts to work on the public works and roads, or in workhouses; and delegating the power to parochial and municipal authorities necessary to enforce the same.

No. 59.]                  AN  ACT
For the prevention and punishment of bribery and corrupt practice in all legislative, judicial, executive, or ministerial offices.

No. 97.]                    AN    ACT
Relative to the Superior Criminal Court for the parish of Orleans; requiring the judge to keep the same open continuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, from the first Monday of October in each year to the last day of July in the succeeding year.

No. 24.]                    AN ACT
To abolish the offices of Jury Commissioners in the parish of Orleans, and to create a board of Jury Commissioners for said parish : providing for the appointment of same, and tho filling of vacancies therein; fixing the number of the board, conferring upon them  certain powers, defining their duties and fixing their compensation; providing for the manner of drawing and selecting petit jurors for the parish of Orleans, and for the impaneling of petit and tales jurors,and providing for the manner of drawing grand jurors for the parish of Orleans; and to provide that in all criminal trials, where two or more defendants are jointly on trial, each defendant shall be entitled to twelve peremptory challenges, and that the State shall be entitled to six peremptory challenges for each twelve challenges to which such defendant may be entitled under this Act, and to repeal all laws in conflict herewith.

1878 Act 38

1878 Act 59

1878 Act 97

1878 Ex. Sess. Act 24