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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1928


(Printed in separate book in compliance with Act 262 of the Legislature of 1926).

Fixing the salaries of deputy clerks of the Criminal District Court of the Parish of Orleans.

Fixing the salary of the Clerk of the Criminal District Court for the Parish of Orleans, and providing for the payment thereof by the City of New Orleans, as heretofore.

ACT NO. 211.    AN ACT
Relative to the crimes of burning or attempting to burn certain property, defining said crimes and offenses, prescribing what facts shall constitute an attempt to burn such property, providing penalties for the same and repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict therewith.

ACT NO. 237.         AN ACT
Providing for the manner of drawing, selecting and empanelling petit and tales jurors for the Parish of Orleans, for duty in the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, and providing that the Criminal Sheriff for the Parish of Orleans shall have the custody of the jury wheel or box, kept by the Jury Commissioners for the Parish of Orleans; providing, further, for the emptying and re-filling of the said jury wheel, or box, by the Judges of the Criminal District Court for the Parish of Orleans; providing, further, that the petit jurors drawn for service for the month in which this Act shall go into effect, for duty in the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, shall be empanelled and sworn under the provisions of Act 114 of 1921, as amended by Act 337 of 1926.

Ex. Sess. ACT NO. 11.   AN ACT
To provide an additional salary for the judges of the Criminal District Court for the Parish of Orleans, to be paid by the City of New Orleans.

1928 Acts 2,3,4

1928 Act 211

1928 Act 237

1928 Ex.Sess. Act 11