No. 116.] AN ACT
To divide the State into Judicial Districts.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana, in General Assembly convened, That the State shall be divided into eighteen Judicial Districts, viz:
The city and parish of New Orleans, shall compose And be called the First District.
No. 185.] AN ACT
Supplementary to an Act to divide the State into Judicial Districts, approved April twelfth, eighteen hundred and fifty-three.
No. 191.] AN ACT
Relative to the election of Clerks of the District Courts for the Parish and City of New Orleans.
No. 229.] AN ACT
To organize District Courts for the Parish and City of New Orleans.
No. 272.] AN ACT
To Restrict the Charge of the Judge in every Criminal Case to an opinion on the Law.
No. 294.] AN ACT
To increase the number of Jurors drawn to serve as grand and Petit Jurors in the First District Court of New Orleans.
No. 330.] AN ACT
To give to the Parishes the Fines and Forfeitures collected hereafter for violations of the Criminal Laws.
No. 335.] AN ACT
To increase the Salary of the Clerk of the First District Court of New Orleans.
No. 336.] AN ACT
To prescribe the time of holding Elections for Judges in the First Judicial District.