No. 17.] AN ACT
Fixing or providing for the salary and compensation to be paid to the Clerk of the Superior Criminal Court for the parish of Orleans, and the Deputy and Assistant Clerks thereof, and the mode of payment thereof.
No. 18.] AN ACT
To fix the compensation of the Clerk of the First District court for the parish of Orleans; to authorize the the appointment of Deputy Clerks of said court, and to provide for the payment of the Salaries of said Clerk and Deputies.
No. 56.] AN ACT
To amend and re-enact section five of an act entitled " An act creating a Superior Criminal Court for the parish of Orleans; defining the jurisdiction thereof; providing for a Judge and Clerk of the same, and defining their duties and powers; restricting and regulating the jurisdiction of the First District Court in the parish of Orleans; providing for Jury Commissioners, and the manner of drawing and selecting grand and petit jurors for the civil and criminal courts, and for the detaining of witnesses in criminal cases in said parish; defining the crime and punishment of grand and petit larceny in this State, and providing for the place of holding the sessions of the court, and for the recusation, or absence, or inability to art of the Judge," approved April ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and to repeal all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.
No. 60.] AN ACT
To fix the compensation of the Criminal Sheriff of the parish of Orleans; for the maintenance of prisoners confined in the Parish Prison of the parish of Orleans, and abolishing turnkey's fees; this act to take effect from and after the first of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six.
No. 61.] AN ACT
To repeal the act creating the Superior District Court of the parish of Orleans, to abolish the said Superior District Court, to transfer the records of said Superior District Court to the Third District Court for the parish of Orleans, and to regulate the jurisdiction of the District Courts for the parish of Orleans in proceedings for the collection of taxes.
No. 55.] AN ACT
Relative to the compensation and fees of the Criminal Sheriff for the parish of Orleans, and to repeal all laws inconsistent herewith.
No. 138.] AN ACT
To provide for the drawing of tales jurymen in criminal trials in the parish of Orleans in all cases where the accused is charged with a felony, and for summoning the same.