No. 67.] AN ACT
To amend and re-enact Section 833 of the Revised Statutes of the State, and to define as a crime, and provide for the punishment of any person, who, with intent to defraud, shall be guilty of the forging, counterfeiting or falsely altering any ticket or other paper or writing entitling or purportitng to entitle the holder or proprietor thereof to passage upon any railway or in any vessel or other public conveyance, or, with like intent, the selling, exchanging or delivery or keeping or offering for sale, exchange or delivery, or receiving upon any purchase, exchange or delivery any such ticket or other paper or writing knowing the same to have been forged, counterfeited or falsely altered; and, also, to define as a crime, and to provide for the punishment of any person who, for the purpose of restoring to its original appearance and nominal value, in whole or in part, shall be guilty of removing, concealing, filling up or obliterating the cuts, marks or other evidence of cancellation from any such ticket or other paper or writing, with intent to dispose of, by sale or gift, or to circulate the same, or with intent to defraud, or, with like intent, the offering for sale or in payment of fare, such ticket or other paper or writing, knowing the same to have been so restored.
No. 103.] AN ACT
To amend and re enact Section 9 of Act No. 98 of the regular session of the General Assembly of 1S80, approved April 10, 1880, aid entitled: "An act to organize the Criminal District Court of the parish of Orleans as established by Article 130 of the Constitution of the State; to create a board of jury commissioner for the parish of Orleans; providing for the appointment of same and filling vacancies therein; fixing the number of the board ; defining its powers, duties and compensation; providing for the manner of drawing and selecting grand and petit jurors for the parish of Orleans; providing, for the division of the Criminal District Court of the parish of Orleans into sections; providing for an annual vacation of each of the judges of said court; providing for the transfer of cases pending in the Superior Criminal and the First District courts for the parish of Orleans to the Criminal District Court of said parish ; providing for the appointment of a, shorthand reporter for the Criminal District Court of the parish of Orleans, and fixing his salary, and to repeal all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith."
No. 106.] AN ACT
Making it a penal offense to obtain a credit on goods, or money or other property by any false statement in writing made to any merchant, dealer or bank, with the fraudulent intent to obtain credit whereby any one relying upon this statement is defrauded.
No. 115.] AN ACT
Making it a felony for any person over the age of 18 years to have carnal knowledge of an unmarried female between the
ages of 12 and 16 years, with her consent, and fixing the penalty therefor.
No. 124.] AN ACT
Relative to the taking of testimony of witnesses in criminal cases.