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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1910


ACT NO. 37.      AN ACT
To amend and re-enact Act No. 77 of the Acts of 1886 entitled an Act to amend and re-enact Section 918 of the Revised Statutes of 1870, relative to placing obstructions upon, or in any way interfering with railways, and to fix the penalty therefor.

ACT NO. 59.         AN ACT
To provide for a postponement of consideration of the drafts of the Civil Code and Codes of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminal Correction prepared by the Commissions appointed by the Governor under Acts Nos. 160 and 161 of 1908, to the next regular session of the General Assembly, or to any extraordinary session thereof called by the Governor for said purpose; and to provide for the method procedure in passing on and adopting said Codes.

ACT NO. 61.       AN ACT
To regulate the execution of criminals in the State of Louisiana.

ACT NO. 64.       AN ACT
To provide that stealing a cow, calf, bull, ox or any other specie of cattle shall be a felony and to provide for penalties and repeal of adverse laws.

ACT NO. 167.     AN ACT
To prohibit the living, boarding, stopping, or rooming of unmarried females under the age of eighteen years in any house, building, or premises where prostitution, fornication, or concubinage is allowed or practiced, and providing punishment for the violation thereof.

ACT NO. 206.       AN ACT
To make concubinage between a person of the Caucasian race, and a person of colored or black race a felony, fixing the punishment therefor, and defining what shall constitute concubinage, and to declare the amount of proof necessary for a conviction.

ACT No. 274.       AN ACT
An Act making it a crime to willfully and feloniously cut, pull down, burn, destroy, kill or deaden, carry or float away, any trees, wood or timber growing or lying on the land of another, or lying in the water on. the land of another, or to cause the same to be done without the consent of the owner, and fixing a penalty therefor.

ACT No. 275.       AN ACT
An Act making it a crime for anyone willfully and knowingly to purchase timber in single sticks, cribs, blocks or rafts, in any lake, bayou, stream or river in this State, or in the woods, or delivered at any sawmill or other point in this State unpaid for by the seller or not owned by the seller, and providing for a written affidavit from the seller that such timber has been paid for or has been cut from the lands of the seller, and making the failure to exact such affidavit from the seller evidence of the wilful [sic] and felonious intent within the meaning of this Act, and to fix the punishment for said crime.

ACT No. 276.    AN ACT.
An Act making it a crime for any person or persons to falsely sign and execute a sworn statement to the effect that any timber in sticks, cribs, blocks, rafts, in any lake, bayou, stream  or river in this State, or in the woods, or at any sawmill or other point in this State, that he might offer for sale or undertake to sell has been paid for or has been cut from his or their lands when such a sworn statement has been executed in order to effect a sale of the said timber.

ACT No. 287.    AN ACT
To prohibit any male person from knowingly accepting or receiving in whole or in part, support or maintenance, from the proceeds or earnings of any female person engaged in prostitution or any other immoral pursuit or occupation and providing penalties for the violation thereof.

ACT No. 288.      AN ACT
To prohibit the holding, detaining or restraining or attempting to hold, detain or restrain in any house of prostitution or any other place of immoral character any female person, for the purpose of compelling such female person, directly or indirectly by her involuntary service or labor, to pay, liquidate or cancel any debt or obligation incurred or said to be incurred. in such house of prostitution or any other place of immoral character, and providing penalties for the violation thereof.

ACT NO. 295.    AN ACT
To prohibit the inducing enticing or procuring or attempting to induce, entice or procure to come into the State of Louisiana, or to enter any house in this State, any female person, for the purpose of prostitution, concubinage or any other immoral purpose and providing penalties for the violation thereof.

ACT No. 307.     AN ACT
In relation to pandering, to define and prohibit the same, to provide for the punishment thereof, and for the competency of certain evidence at the trial thereof.

1910 Act 37

1910 Act 59

1910 Act 61

1910 Act 64

1910 Act 167

1910 Act 206

1910 Act 274

1910 Act 275

1910 Act 276

1910 Act 287

1910 Act 288

1910 Act 295

1910 Act 307