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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1922


ACT No. 9.           AN ACT
To make it a felony for any president, secretary or other officer or employee of any building and loan or homestead association in the State of Louisiana to knowingly make false entries in any of the books of the association or to knowingly omit or neglect to make proper entries in the books of the association with intent to deceive the State Bank Commissioner, the Board of Directors or the public concerning the true conditions of the association; to provide the penalty for the violation of this act; to regulate the mode of procedure thereunder, and to repeal all conflicting laws.

ACT No. 69.         AN ACT
To re-enact paragraph Eighteen section 23 act 136 of 1880 relative, to fixing the fees of the clerks of the Civil and Criminal District courts for the Parish of Orleans, the civil and criminal sheriffs for the parish of Orleans, the clerks and constables of the city courts of New Orleans, the register of conveyances and recorder of mortgages for the parish of Orleans; to regulate the collection of the fees of the clerks of said courts; to organize a system of stamps for the collection of the fees of the clerks of said courts, the register of conveyances and recorder of mortgages for the parish of Orleans, and to regulate the duties of the Governor, Auditor of Public Accounts, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Fiscal Agent, in relation thereto, and to prescribe certain penalties and punishments for the embezzlement, forgery and counterfeiting of said stamps.

ACT No. 71.       AN ACT
Fixing the salaries of Deputy Clerks of the Criminal District Court of the Parish of Orleans.

1922 Act 9

1922 Act 69

1922 Act 71