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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1894


No. 11.]                      AN ACT
To make it a crime to falsify and knowingly sell or buy any produce or merchandise by short weights or measure.

No. 28.]                 AN ACT
Making it a felony for any sheriff, deputy sheriff, clerk of court, deputy clerk, constable, deputy constable, or any police officer, or any detective officer, whether commissioned without pay or otherwise, to procure or solicit legal business for any attorney at law under the expectation or promise, whether express or implied, of being paid therefore by such attorney at law and providing a penalty therefore, and regulating the evidence to be received on the trial of such offence.

No. 67.]                 AN ACT
To limit the number of witnesses in criminal cases.

No. 84.]                  AN ACT
To give the State and defendants in criminal cases, the right to an immediate trial in all cases, in which either asks for a continuance on the ground of the absence of an important or material witness, whenever the other will admit that if said absent witness were present that he would testify as stated in the affidavit made for the continuance, but in no case shall either the State or defendant, in order to get a trial be required to admit that the statement in the affidavit made for a continuance are true. This act is in no way to interfere with the discretion of the trial judge to grant continuances to either the State or defendants on other grounds.

No. 89.]                 AN ACT
Relative to juries in and for the State of Louisiana, the parish of Orleans excepted, and to repeal Act No. 44 of the regular session of 1877, approved March 8th, 1877, and all laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act.

No. 169.]              AN ACT
To suppress lotteries; to prohibit and punish the promotion, setting up, or drawing of any lottery; to prohibit and punish the sale of lottery tickets, or the bonds or shares of stock of any lottery company; to prohibit and punish the advtisement of any lottery, the keeping of a. lottery office, the acting as agent, manager, promoter, aider or abettor of any lottery or lottery drawing, the furnishing or renting of any room, house, or premises to be used for lottery purposes, or allowing the use thereof for such purposes; to prescribe penalties, and provide remedies therefor, and to make certain regulations concerning the evidence to be adduced on the trial of causes under this act.

No. 170.]            AN ACT
To amend and re-enact Section 2 of Act 98 of 1880 entitled "An act to organize the Criminal District Court of the Parish of Orleans as established by Article 130 of the Constitution of this State; to create a Board of Jury Commissioners for the Parish of Orleans, providing for the appointment of same and filling vacancies therein, fixing the number of the board, defining its duties, powers and compensation; providing for the manner of drawing, selecting and empaneling grand, petit and tales jurors for the Parish of Orleans; providing for the division of the Criminal District Court into sections; providing for an annual vacation for each of the judges of said Court; providing for the transfer of causes pending in the Superior Criminal and First District Court for the Parish of Orleans to the Criminal District Court -for the said parish; providing for the appointment of a shorthand reporter for the Criminal District Court for the Parish of Orleans and fixing his salary, and to repeal all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith.

1894 Act 11

1894 Act 28

1894 Act 67

1894 Act 84

1894 Act 89

1894 Act 169

1894 Act 170