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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1884


No. 14.]                AN ACT
Fixing the salaries of' the deputies to the Clerk of the Criminal District Court for the parish of Orleans, and providing for the budgeting for and payment of the salaries of the said Clerk of the Criminal District Court, and of such deputies to the Clerk of the Criminal District Court of the City of New Orleans.

No. 19.]                 AN ACT
To provide for the compensation of witnesses called to testify as experts in courts of justice.

No. 37.]                 AN ACT
Fixing the salaries of the deputies to the Criminal Sheriff for the parish of Orleans, and providing for the budgeting for and payment of the salaries of the said Criminal Sheriff and of such deputies to the Criminal Sheriff by the city of New Orleans.

No. 63.]                  AN  ACT
To provide for the punishment of the offence and crime of attempting to extort money or any property or valuable thing, through or by means of threats, threatening letters or communication, or by means of other unlawful acts or devices.

No. 64.]                  AN   ACT
To provide for the punishment of the offense and crime of malicious threatening or threats, the malicious sending of threatening letters or communications, or malicious publications, or resorting to malicious acts, or threats of injury to person, reputation or property, though no valuable thing be demanded or sought to be extorted.

No. 74.]                  AN ACT
To provide for the interchange of' District Judges throughout the State.

No. 78.]               AN ACT
To define the Crime ot incest and provide for the punishment thereof.

No. 79]              AN ACT
Regulating the execution of criminals in the State of Louisiana.

No. 108.]                AN ACT
Making it an offense for any President, Director, Manager, Cashier or other officer, or owner of any private or public bank or banking institution, to assent to the reception of deposits, or the creation of debts, by such banking institution, after he shall have had knowledge of the fact that it is insolvent or in failing circumstances, and providing the penalty therefor.

No. 111.]                 AN ACT
To suppress and prevent the introduction, exhibition, circulation or use, in this state, of obscene literature and of indecent prints, pictures and other objects of immoral use or tendency therein defined; to prevent and suppress obscene writings or drawings in public places; to make the same penal and to punish therefor.

1884 Act 14

1884 Act 19

1884 Act 37

1884 Act 63

1884 Act 64

1884 Act 74

1884 Act 78

1884 Act 79

1884 Act 108

1884 Act 111