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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1912


ACT NO. 36.       AN ACT
To make it a crime for any person to wilfully [sic]desecrate any grave, tomb or monument erected to the dead, and prescribing a penalty for the violation thereof.

ACT NO. 43.    AN ACT
To define and punish the crime of obtaining or attempting to obtain any money or property, by means or by use of any false or bogus checks or by any other means, instrument or device, commonly called the confidence game; and prescribing the manner in which said crime shall be charged in affidavits, informations or indictments.

ACT NO. 64.       AN ACT
To amend and re-enact Act No. 132 of 1898, approved July 13th, 1898, entitled "An Act to amend and re-enact Section 9 of Act 98, of the regular sessions of the General Assembly of 1880, approved April 10th, 1880, an d entitled: An Act to regulate the Criminal District Court of the Parish of Orleans, as established by Article 130, of the Constitution of the State; to create a board of jury commissioners for the Parish of Orleans; providing for the appointment of same and filling vacancies therein; fixing the number of the board; defining its powers, duties and compensation; providing for the manner of drawing and selecting grand and petit jurors for the Parish of Orleans; providing for the division of the Criminal District Court of the Parish of Orleans into Sections; providing for an annual vacation of each of the Judges of said Court; providing for the transfer of cases pending in the Superior Criminal and the First District Courts for the Parish of Orleans to the Criminal District Court of said parish; providing for the appointment of a shorthand reporter for the Criminal District Court of the Parish of Orleans, and fixing his salary, and to repeal all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith." Being Act Number 103 of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, of 1896, approved July 9, 1896."

ACT NO. 72.     AN ACT
To prohibit the making or using of false statements to obtain property or credit or for the extension of credit or the making, acceptance, discount, sale or endorsement of a bill of exchange or promissory note, and to provide penalties for the violation thereof.

ACT NO. 94.       AN   ACT.
To make uniform the Law of Bills of Lading.

ACT NO. 116.    AN ACT
Making it a felony to injure or disfigure, or attempt to injure or disfigure, any person with scalding hot water, carbolic acid, vitriol, nitric acid, nitrate of silver or any other corrosive acid or caustic substance, and prescribing penalties therefor.

ACT NO. 135.   AN ACT
To amend and re-enact Act No. 274 on page 474, approved July 7, 1910, entitled "An Act making it a crime to wilfully and feloniously cut, pull down, burn, destroy, kill or deaden, carry or float away, any trees, wood or timber growing or lying on the land of another, or lying in the water on the land of another, or cause the same to be done without the consent of the owner, and fixing a penalty therefor."

ACT NO. 184.      AN ACT
Declaring the employment, use or exhibition of children under sixteen years of age, and the training for purposes of exhibition, use and employment, and having in custody, and procuring, of such children, as rope or wire walkers, gymnasts, wrestlers, contortionists, riders or acrobats, in singing or dancing, playing upon musical instruments, in theatrical exhibitions, or wandering occupations, in any illegal, immoral or indecent exhibition or practice, or in the exhibition of insane, idiotic, deformed or unnaturally formed or developed children, in any practice or place or exhibition dangerous to the life, limbs, health or morals of children, shall be regarded as contributing to the neglect and delinquency of children, and declaring such acts to be misdemeanors, and providing penalty and punishment therefor by fine and imprisonment, or both; declaring that the provisions of this or any previous Act of the Legislature shall not apply to the employment of any child as a singer or musician in a church, school or academy, or in teaching or learning the science or practice of music, or in a theatrical exhibition, or as a musician in any concert, where a permit for such child has been obtained from a Juvenile Court, or District Court acting as such, and providing how and under what circumstances permits may be granted to children; requiring the furnishing of a bond by employers for the care and tuition of such children while in their employment, and setting forth the stipulations.and conditions of such permits and bonds, and providing for the forfeiture of such bonds; making such permits revocable at the pleasure of the authority granting same; and providing other details in connection with the subject matter; and repealing all laws or parts of laws contrary to or inconsistent or in conflict with this Act.

ACT NO. 192.      AN ACT
Making it a felony for any person over the age of 17 years to have carnal knowledge of an unmarried female between the ages of 12 and 18 years, with her consent, and fixing the penalty therefor.

ACT NO. 202.       AN ACT
To define and punish indecent assaults.

ACT NO. 226.        AN ACT
To define and punish vagrancy and providing penalties for the violation hereof.

ACT NO. 234.        AN ACT.
To define and punish lobbying.

1912 Act 36

1912 Act 43

1912 Act 64

1912 Act 72

1912 Act 116

1912 Act 94

1912 Act 135

1912 Act 184

1912 Act 192

1912 Act 202

1912 Act 226

1912 Act 234