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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 2006


ACT No. 621        AN ACT
To amend and reenact R.S. 13:1, 471, 474, 477(introductory paragraph), 691(A), 759, 842(A), 846(A) (introductory paragraph), and 901, R.S. 18:402(D), and R.S. 44:71; to enact R.S. 13:474.1, 477(41), 621.41, 621.42, 621.43, 621.44 through 621.46, 714.1, 714.2, 751.1, 751.2, 751.3, 751.4, 751.5, 841.3, 983, 996.62 through 996.64, RS. 33:1500, and Chapter 2-A of Title 44 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 44:181 through 185; and to repeal R.S. 9:2745, R.S. 13:1031 through 1147, 1211 through 1212.1, 1271 through 1312, 1335 through 1347, 1371 through 1372, 1377, 1381, and 1381.1 through 1400, R.S. 18:514(B), R.S. 33:1501.1 and 1519.1, and Part III of Chapter 5 of Title 35 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised of R.S. 35:321 through 338, and Chapter 3 of Title 44 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised of R.S. 44:201 through 268, relative to the reorganization and consolidation of the civil and criminal district courts and juvenile court, clerk of the civil and criminal district courts, and civil and criminal sheriffs in and for the parish of Orleans; to provide relative to the register of conveyances and recordation for the parish of Orleans; to provide, delineate, and otherwise designate the powers, authority, duties, functions, compensation, fees, and related matters concerning the civil and criminal district courts, clerks of the civil and criminal courts, the civil and criminal sheriffs, the office and custodian of notarial records, the office of the register of conveyances, the office of the recorder of mortgages, and other judicial officers and officials for the parish of Orleans; to create the Forty-First Judicial District, its subsequent divisions, sections, magistrate, and commissioners; to abolish the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court and transfer its jurisdiction; to extend the terms of office of the judges of the juvenile court now in office; to transfer the jurisdiction of the juvenile court to the Forty-First Judicial District Court; to provide for the juvenile section of the Forty-First Judicial District Court; to create the Consolidated Judicial Expense Fund for certain courts; to provide for the consolidation of certain offices and judicial expense funds; to provide for the election of a single sheriff and clerk of court for the parish of Orleans commencing with the next election for parochial and municipal officers in Orleans Parish; to provide for the abolition of the separate offices of the civil and criminal sheriff; to provide for effective dates; to abolish the office of the register of conveyances, the office of the recorder of mortgages, and the office and custodian of notarial records; to provide transitional provisions; to provide for continuation of retirement system coverage; to provide for the reduction by attrition of judges upon retirement pursuant to recommendations of the Judicial Council; to direct the Louisiana State Law Institute to change statutory references necessitated by this Act and to make recommendations it deems necessary to clarify or modify its provisions, including the elimination of antiquated provisions; to provide for effective dates; and to provide for related matters.

ACT No. 638          AN ACT
To enact R.S. 13:48, relative to the salary of judges of the supreme court, courts of appeal, district courts, parish courts, and city courts; to provide for an increase in the salary paid for by the state as recommended by the Judicial Compensation Commission; and to provide for related matters.

ACT No. 674      AN ACT
To enact Chapter 42 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 33:9600 through 9604, relative to the creation of certain judicial administrative districts to fund the offices of the clerks of court; to provide for boundaries of the districts; to provide that the clerk of court is the ex officio chief executive officer and governing authority of the district; to provide that each district is a political subdivision of the state and is authorized to incur debt; to provide for power and authority of the districts; to provide for the establishment of a special fund and expenditures from that fund; and to provide for related matters.

Proposing to amend Article V, Section 24 of the Constitution of Louisiana, to provide for the qualifications of office for judges; to provide for submission of the proposed amendment to the electors; to provide for an effective date; to provide for applicability; and to provide for related matters.

2006 Act 621

2006 Act 638

2006 Act 860