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A Brief History of the Orleans Criminal District Court: 1888


No. 57.]                 AN ACT
To amend and re-enact an Act entitled "An Act punishing extortion in office by the public officers of the State of Louisiana, of parishes, judicial and other districts, and of cities and towns incorporated or having governments authorized by law," being "Act No. 26 " of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, approved February 15, 1873.

No. 118.]                AN ACT
Making the slandering or defamation of persons of good repute, without probable cause, a misdemeanor; providing penalties for violations of this act, and defining in what cases infractions of this act shall be justifiable.

No. 121.]                AN ACT
To authorize the criminal sheriffs of the different parishes of the State, the parish of Orleans included, to employ in the performance of manual labor upon the public roads or levees, or streets or public buildings and improvements, any prisoner sentenced to the parish prison for any crime or offense, provided the consent of the prisoner be first obtained.

No. 155.]                AN ACT
Declaring it to be a crime for any person to permit his name to be carried on the lists or pay-rolls of any State, parish, municipal or other political corporation, and to receive a salary or pay for services not actually rendered, and prescribing a penalty therefor.

1888 Act 57

1888 Act 118

1888 Act 121

1888 Act 155